Promotes Microcirculation, Metabolism and Meridians

Microcirculation is defined as the flow of blood through the smallest blood vessels in the body. This includes capillaries, of course, but also arterioles and venules. Enhancing microcirculation in the body will increase oxygen-carrying ability and use, deliver nutrients, remove metabolic waste and toxins, support and strengthen the immune system, and increase adenosine triphosphate production. Increasing microcirculation can enhance the function of all tissues, organs, and glands and can bring a sense of greater overall well-being.
As the body ages or develops a chronic disease, the vital Qi is diminished. The blood viscosity is increased and becomes more sticky, or coagulated. In southern Appalachian herbal medicine, this is referred to as “thick blood” and is considered an etiology for many, if not all, chronic diseases. In addition, the spleen is not as effective in removing old damaged blood cells, capillaries are less flexible, and blood cells are more rigid and can be angular shaped, making it more difficult for them to pass through the capillaries. When qi and blood are not in motion, this is considered blood stasis, a Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis that is being evaluated relative to chronic diseases, especially those disorders associated with aging.
Without adequate Blood circulation the body simply cannot heal… Both Terahertz frequencies and PEMF aid in enhancing blood flow !!