My Olylife Tera P90 1 month + update! The only changes I’ve made in my life are using the P90, and increased water consumption! I have worked up to a power level 6/7.
I’ve released 20 lbs!! Yes, you read that right!
20 lbs! That alone has floored me. I’ve also noticed sculpting happening in my legs and waist area, which I LOVE because let’s be honest, 8 babies.
My sleep is so deep and restful. I don’t think I’ve ever slept so well. Having a 4 month old, this is super important to me! Even with our night feedings, I am still sleeping like a rock in between!
ZERO Gall Bladder pain since I’ve started using P90 2x a day. I was having some serious gall bladder issues that would keep me from sleeping and seriously considering surgery at least 2x a week. That pain has disappeared.
Hip pain that would bring me to tears when standing or getting out of bed, is GONE. I now also have full range of motion in my neck that I haven’t had for 20 years due to a pretty serious car accident where my head broke the windshield in 3 places. Neck pain gone, and full range of motion has been restored.
Eye floaters are disappearing.
Energy levels are waaaaay up! I no longer want to nap in the middle of the day, and my patience levels with my kids have increased drastically. My Moods are soo good, I feel happy the majority of the time!
Anxiety and depression aren’t even on my radar anymore.
I no longer crave sugar like I used to, and that thrills me.
Overall, I can recommend the P90 highly enough!! Terahertz + PEMF + Near Infrared frequency all in one at-home medical device! You should seriously consider getting one into your homes!